Sunday, April 5, 2009

Increasing your performance to save money


Linking money-to-money for much-more-money is the solution now. Gool-Bama-Cash to upgrade the Classic Economy with protocols for implementation and practice of the money data-valuation at launch of the personal webcashmotor (PSH-Personal Savings Helper appPSH-Personal Savings Helper app) (Internet motor-for-savings) it is now at both Obamadepending and Googledepending "woc-up-you" challenge.

Put powered internet making to polarize your personalized-savings with webcashmatic plusvalues.

Your Webcashmotor will do that. Finger or mouse at screen. Linking your 10€uros parcels to join cell production at Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor fund (U_S_A). 
For cash-production-cash-sharing-cash. So it is cashput-for-much-more-cashcall.

Then goto the TOM (Timestock_Owned_Market) to sell your time for earning plusvalues.

Now you are free, riskless with your webliving-savings running cash and getting the ability to multiply. That is the reason why you are sharing daily cash results. Daily-cash-results at local 12h00 internet o'clock New York TOM. You may be happy with your family.